Semana Santa (Holy Week) in Spain - Easter Holiday
Semana Santa is the Spanish name for (Holy Week), or Easter it starts on March 25th and ends on Sunday, April 1st this Holy Week, dates back to the 3rd - 4th century from the Catholic Church decided that they would present the story of Jesus Christ in such a way that everybody to could understand it and the meaning behind the event. So at Easter time all over Spain scenes from the story of Jesus Christ, the crucifixion and also the resurrection are told through many processions that are organized through the streets of Spain each year and are a must see if you have never been before. Throughout the many regions of Spain, the time of Semana Santa processions may vary, but most cities across Spain will carry out these traditions. A few cities across the 52 provinces of Spain may offer fewer processions, but may also offer other events to celebrate this festive holiday period where family and friends gather to celebrate together this Christian event.
The Spanish are well known for their Fiestas and parties and the celebrations are due to commence on Thursday evening the day before Good Friday where these Easter processions tend to go on from Thursday night and continues into the very early hours of Friday morning and even into Friday evening. Easter Sunday mass is held on the last day of Semana Santa, it is a very important event in the Christian calendar. The processions that are held and many of the participating participants wear hooded garments traditionally in white gowns, but the colours of the hoods will vary and this depends on the brotherhood. The hoods are worn throughout the week which signifies the mourning of the death of Jesus Christ, they are then removed after the event to signify and also celebrate his resurrection.
During the Fiestas you will also see beautiful and extravagant floats that have been designed, especially for these festive events, with some regions celebrating in a more enthusiastic manner. During the Semana Santas procession, you may see many men or women carrying a large float, these men are known as Costaleros, and they consider it a great honour to carry the float and to endeavour a feeling of similar pain as Jesus Christ did when he was crucified.Traditional fiestas like Semana Santa are just one of a few of the major events that are held, throughout the whole of Spain and also contain special events in large and smaller cities throughout the regions with the help of volunteers and also a variety of locals that help to perform in the events and putting on a show for the awaiting public.