Hogueras de San Juan (Fires of Saint John) 20-29 Junio
Las Hogueras de San Juan is the next up and coming popular festival due to commence on the evening of 20th June. Alicante will celebrate with a spectacular display of fireworks and music as thousands of people gather in the capital's streets to experience this important event that pays tribute to fire. It is the city's most important tradition and most popular festival, which celebrates fire and can last up till the 29th June. These celebrations are held around the world to mark this summer solstice event and largely held on the evening of Eve of St. John Day, Masonic feast which falls on 23th June. The celebrations take place in many (former Iberian colonies), with one of the biggest in Brazil and so called (Festa Junina). Bonfires de San Juan (Bonfires of St. John) is a customary tradition and you will always find the large events held predominantly in the largest cities, such as Alicante, Elche and Valencia in the Valencian Community. The main event is held on 23 - 24th June where you will witness a truly great event Night of Burning, alongside the popular after event of the soaking (Banyà), where the local firefighters (firemen) all called upon to put out the diminishing fires.
This event is welcomed by thousands of people and is believed to be a magical evening. St. John Day is meant to be all about change. The event represented by fire and water and also night and day, the fire purifies and water recuperates, rejuvenates and also refreshes the sole. The burning of the bonfires represent the night, many family come to gather and help to build these magnificent bonfires, fathers, mothers and children alike will spend time together to build these fantastic structures. The myth according to tradition is if you jump over a burning bonfire three times on the night of St. John, your body and spirit will be cleansed and purified and all of your problems will be burned away.
There are many parades held across across neighborhoods, from small towns to large cities that celebrate the feast of St. John (the Baptist), where very large statues are made from wood, cardboard and paper they are extremely well decorated and painted to a very high standard only to be set alight and burnt as a long ongoing tradition. Alongside the bonfires and after the main event of the burning is over on 24th June, you will find a further event taking place with the most spectacular firework displays held as a competition every night from the 25th June up to the final day which marks as St. Peter's Day on the 29th of June to complete the event. This event is every year and a tradition that you could be part of if you are visiting these areas. It is a great day and evening and a good way to participate in the local Spanish culture.